Northern Community Health & Research Foundation
About the Foundation
Since 1998, the foundation has been delivering outcomes for the Northern Communities of South Australia.
The foundation was founded in 1998 following the closure and sale of the assets of the Northern Community Hospital, which was located on Main North Road, Prospect. The Hospital, which opened on 9th February 1952, provided high quality facilities and services primarily in the areas of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Orthopaedics. Due to changes in hospital funding arrangements, occupancy declined to the point where it became uneconomic, and it closed on 12th December 1997. The residual funds, following the payment of staff, sale of the property (to Clayton Residential Aged Care Services), bed licenses, equipment and funds held were transferred to the Northern Communities Health Foundation Incorporated.
Purpose of the Foundation
The purposes of the foundation are to establish a trust fund principally for the benefit of residents in the Northern Districts, particularly within the districts of the Corporations of Prospect, Walkerville and Port Adelaide (Enfield area).
Our mantra is to improve health in the Northern Communities in South Australia with focus on:
Fund grants for South Australian health and medical related research.
Invest in and promote programs for better health in the northern communities.
Partner with local communities and health groups to deliver impact into local areas.
Constitution of the Board
A Board of eight members, with skills across Business, Finance/Accounting, Medicine (Specialist and General Practice), Medical Academia, Health Management, Legal Services, Social Enterprise and Marketing is responsible for the administration and management of the foundation.
There are three sub-committees:
Grants, which coordinates the promotion of grants availability, the evaluation of applications;
Investments, which manages the trust fund and income generation; and
Marketing + Philanthropy has been established to drive the philanthropic donations and marketing communications of the foundation.
Our Logo
The foundation has adopted the Northern Community Hospital logo and has also determined to maintain the Hospital's focus which was primarily on physical and psychological well-being. Accordingly the use of the word "health" is confined to areas of medical and/or psychological medicine and grants, endowments, scholarships, bursaries and prizes are allocated for initiatives in those areas.
In more recent times, the foundation has been able to accept donations, which expands the impact and outcomes for the local community. The logo and foundation name has been updated to The Northern Community Health and Research Foundation (“the NCH Research Foundation”)
The foundation is able to receive bequests, donations, grants, gifts and property of any kind and would be pleased to provide more information about its activities to anyone who may be interested.