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Major Activities


Florey Postgraduate Conference 2022

Updated: Nov 29, 2022

The Florey Postgraduate Research Conference provides Higher Degree by Research students at the University of Adelaide an opportunity to discuss their research with fellow students, academics, industry partners, and other major stakeholders of the University.

The NCH Research Foundation is thrilled to announce the following outstanding students were awarded and presented with these Prizes in recognition of their excellence in research;

Kexun Kenneth Chen (Poster #113) - Exercise-induced changes in central sensitisation outcomes in individuals with chronic musculoskeletal pain: A systematic review with meta-analysis. School of Allied Health Science and Practice.

Zinat Mohammadpour (Poster #118) - The more bitter diet is healthier. School of Biomedicine, Nutrition, Diabetes and Gut Health, Lifelong Health Theme, Sahmri, CSIRO Health and Biosecurity.


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